Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The wait

I have never been good at waiting. And this has to be the worst possible wait.

The nurse just came out and told us that he's still being prepped. He went to sleep like a baby and they said he was "high as a kite" from the "giggle juice" (Valium).  I'm guessing the procedure will start around 9am - and then will take 2-3 hours. That is one..... long...... wait......

We are here in the waiting room. I can't grasp how some families are eating, smiling, laughing, listening to music. I sit with my computer and a box of tissues - oscillating between tears and gratitude and comfort from all of the texts and posts. I can't tell you how much we appreciate your love and prayers. We all feel it and it makes such a huge difference.  Thank you.

Cannon, conversely, has nerves of steel. He was as cool as a cucumber last night. Slept well, stole the covers, told me all the things he wants for his "post surgery gift", downed a rack of ribs, 2 Shirley Temples and even took a dip in the pool. He now has new motivation to get home as the proud owner of a new Playstation 4. It feels like an early Christmas to him -- and that makes me happy.

And the nurse just came over again to tell us he's doing ok - things are moving very slow. They just put in an A-line (arterial catheter) to monitor his blood pressure real time.

In the meantime, we sit and wait.

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