Monday, November 2, 2015

Diagnosis: DRESS

The past few weeks have been a terrible nightmare. But finally, we are getting some answers after so much uncertainty, fear and anxiety.

After battling bacterial staph meningitis and possibly a tinge of chemical meningitis, the latest high fever and rash have been diagnosed as DRESS - otherwise known as Drug Rash with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms. The actual medical definition is: 

Drug hypersensitivity syndrome is sometimes also called Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS), and Drug-Induced Hypersensitivity Syndrome (DIHS). Drug hypersensitivity syndrome is a severe, unexpected reaction to a medicine(s), which affects several organ systems at the same time. It most commonly causes the combination of a high fever, a morbilliform skin rash and inflammation of one or more internal organs including the liver, kidneys, lungs and/or heart. It generally starts two to eight weeks after taking the responsible medicine.

In a nutshell, doctors think he has a penicillin sensitivity and now we wear the band to let all the health team know about it. We are so grateful that we were here when this all happened. The rash continued to spread, worsening from we posted in the other photos. We switched antibiotics and now finish our 21 day course tomorrow when we will hopefully (fingers crossed) have our PICC line removed and be transitioned onto oral medications. 

We still have a road ahead of us. Blood tests weekly for at least a month, follow up appointments and CHOP and steroids for at least several weeks, perhaps months, sedation to have his stitches removed. I can't even believe how fortunate we are to have been in CHOP with doctors who knew what they were looking for, took quick action and we caught this before what could have been pretty devastating consequences. We are well aware that all your prayers protected him (and us) from some very scary things. 

Today, we were moved to a step-down unit where we have our own room and we were so thankful to eat in the cafeteria! He has been asking for this for a while now and today he got his wish.

Steroids are in full force now that we have moved from IV form to pills, and have kicked in both in attitude and appetite. For dinner he had a chicken and cheese sandwich with - what else but BACON - (we are trying to ignore the latest health reports for a little while), a noodle bowl, two drinks, a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos and two Italian Ices. I can't even believe how hungry this kid is.

And with a lot of coaxing, we have been able to get him to drink bone broth, take vitamins to promote healing. He hates it. But even does it with a smile. 

That's the smile that keeps us going. We are so proud of our little fighter and his unrelenting spirit. We are beyond thankful for the continued prayers, meals, calls, texts, posts from friends, family and complete strangers. Thank you everyone for doing so much! We are eternally grateful. <3